Sunday, December 13, 2009

First Day of Blogging....

Well I decided to start a blog after watching the wonderful movie, Julie and Julia. This is more for my own thoughts rather than a second chance at a writing career. I need a place to journal and this might just have an impact on someone. It is also a great way for my friends to keep up with my life!

Tonight was a good night. We had Chad's parents over for dinner and just hung out with them. Quite a good evening if I do say so myself. Chad and I had more fun preparing for tonight's event earlier this morning. We baked and frosted sugar cookies together - a first for us! We worked well as a team and found it quite fun!

I got a lot accomplished last night when Chad was down in Effingham visiting his college friends. I decided Mitzy (our dog) would help me while I wrapped all of our Christmas presents. Her job was to sit behind me and observe. It was nice to just have company since Chad was gone. I got all of the presents wrapped and that's one more thing I can check off the list. Only a few more presents to buy and then I am done! WHOO HOO!

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