Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thoughts on Christmas traditions....

Since this is my first year married, Christmas looks a little different this year. I know a lot of people say "You'll make new traditions with your husband." So far no new traditions, but that doesn't mean we won't have any coming up! :) I'm trying to stay positive.

Chad and I last Christmas 2008

Christmas traditions are so important to me because it was something my mother felt very strongly about. I was wrapping Christmas presents this year and began to cry. I was just so overcome with thankfulness for my parents. They provided me with such magical Christmas memories that keeping up with that is near impossible. I am so grateful that I have those memories around this time of year. I only hope that someday I can be a parent that instills those same memories and traditions in my own children.
Chad's aunts and mom at the annual cookie party 2008

As far as getting ready for Christmas I am getting closer... Only 2-3 gifts to buy without including stocking stuffers. Everything is wrapped except the unpurchased gifts. I have all of my Christmas candies made, just the last batch of sugar cookies to go. That will just have to wait until next week when I have some free time.

2 more school days till break and I can't wait! Next week will feel like Christmas simply because I will have a flexible schedule to sleep in, relax, and get stuff done that I need to do! YEA! I have officially decided that junior high students are more antsy than elementary kids before break. They look forward to the relaxation just as much as we do! Well 2 days left and they are planned fun days! WHOO HOO!

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