Thursday, December 30, 2010

The beginning starts now....

As we approach this New Year 2011 I want to be prepared! Therefore I am beginning my New Year's "intention" early this year. I have decided that I will not make New Year's resolutions because to resolve something is a scary thing. It seems whenever I make resolutions they fail. But last year I called it my New Year's intention because I intended to do it and lo and behold I followed through on my intention!! :) I joined Weight Watchers last year and lost 20 lbs in 5 months. After keeping it off almost all year I have gained 10 lbs back since August. Gotta love the stress of work and coaching!

This year I have decided to start my New Year's intention today - the day before New Year's Eve! I guess I am just excited to get going. This year I am intended to stick with Weight Watchers once again and get back to where I was this summer... 130lbs! I also want to create a budget and STICK TO IT! I plan on logging onto Crown Financial to get their perception of my budget and adjust from there. I have decided that I have a major shopping addiction (not funny actually). I want to be able to shop but not go overboard. Clothes and accessories have taken over my life as we know it. Materialism is not a good thing and I need to be mindful of this. God has to take over my mind, heart, and soul again. I want to fulfill these intentions for the glory of Him this year. He made me in His image and I should be more careful about how I treat this gift of life he has given me. I want to renew not only my body this year physically, but my mind and heart as well. With God's grace I will be able to succeed on all accounts! ;)

What are you "intending" to resolve this year?? Are you taking up something or giving up something? Where is God leading you in 2011?

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