Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve countdown...

Today is New Year's eve and we are having our annual NYE party! ;) As usual I am stressing about getting everything ready before the guests arrive. However, I decided to take a moment to blog before the craziness begins.
Oh how I love New Year's Eve!!! I remember going to our neighbor's house every year when I was little, playing with the neighborhood boys until midnight! The games usually involved the new Nerf guns they got for Christmas with me as their target being the only girl in attendance. Then when Nintendo came out in 1988 that was the new craze.... I had to fight for my right to play! I was good - let me tell you! :)
During college I had some more memorable New Year's Eves to remember. During my sophomore year I went to the burbs of Chicago to meet up with a bunch of my CCH friends to go to a Madison Green concert. This sounds like the ideal New Year's but there was a bump (literally) on the way. My back right tire decided to blow on me and I drove on it for a 1/2 mile before realizing what it was. After pleading with an auto dealership they stayed over to fix my tire. I made it safely to Carrie's house that year, only about 3 hours late. But it turned out great anyways! The concert was amazing and my friends threw me a surprise b-day party since we were all together so close to my b-day!
My senior year in college was also a great New Year's Eve even though I didn't make it until midnight. The Aupperle crew flew to San Juan, Puerto Rico to get ready to set sail on our cruise in the Carribean! Having been up since 2:00 AM I decided to turn in early around 9:30 our time. I woke up the next morning to cannons being set off to celebrate the new year! Kind of crazy!
Last year was the first New Year's in our house as a married couple. I fell asleep about 11:45 waking up to say Happy New Year to Chad and going to sleep again shortly thereafter. Our party died out a little early since Lindsey and Andrew had to get home with their newest addition and Jenna and her bf went to his Uncles. Without the people around I couldn't make it until midnight.
But then tonight we will have a house full so I am sure it will be a successful evening! I will have to post pics later! Hoep you all have a safe and Happy New Year! See you next year right here on my blogspot! :)

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