Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tis the Season to be Jolly....

Today is one of those days that one looks forward to all year long. The Christmas season is by far one of my favorite times of the year. Everyone seems happier and more willing to help others. There is a warm fuzzy feeling around the world that is unlike any other. Traditions from years past keep my anticipation high as we get nearer to this wonderful time of the year!
Last night we had our Christmas Open House. Our house was beautiful with the sights and sounds of Christmas. We had a lot of food, a warm fireplace, and the Christmas spirit alive. Unfortunately the weather wasn't on our side... with blizzard conditions up north so our families had a lot of decisions to make. My family was unable to come which was sad, but understandable. We did have several friends stop by including Angela, Tammy and Jeremy, and Taryn and Curtis. It was still a successful party - one that was memorable!
Today I woke up to the sound of wind blowing snow to and fro. There is a nip in the air... one that says Christmas is near. Since it's so incredibly cold outside I decided to stay in my PJs, watch the Polar Express, and address my Christmas cards. So here I am in our cozy living room with the tree all aglow surrounded by the sounds of the season. Later today if the weather cooperates I am going to attempt trekking through our mall to shop for Chad. He is probably one of the hardest ones on my list because he never wants anything for himself. He is so selfless, always putting others first. I want to get him something that he will enjoy for himself! What to get.... hmmm. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Since he's now into the "mudding" stuff with Nate, you could get him a magazine subscription or two that he'd enjoy all year long! I always do that for Nate. There are a couple different ones that you can buy at Wal-mart or another store & then get a subscription. Peterson's Off Road is one & you will see others in the magazine section. Let me know if you need any help!
