Sunday, February 20, 2011

Burnout... am I there?

My devotional has shifted to a new topic.... BURNOUT! Frustration, being bored, restlessness, and feeling unsatisfied. All of these words describe someone who is being burnt out by work, relationships, and life in general. Unfortunately as I was reading this issue is very relevant to my life currently. I am feeling all of those things through my past few months. I have stretched myself so far at work with teaching, leading RtI, and coaching the dance team (along with all of my extra committee work). Without a church family to support me it has been tough getting through this. Part of this is my fault.... apathy has begun to set in and I am not driven to join a church like I know I should be. Chad has been very supportive in trying to get us to a church, but between being sick, having several competitions, and Chad working on Sundays avoiding church has been too easy. Hopefully when the spring begins to set in I will be more energized to go.
One good thing is my spiritual life hasn't completely dropped off the face of the earth. Every morning I begin my day with my devotional (which I believe was written and geared right towards my life in every aspect right now). On the way to work I have my daily "chat" with God while singing praise and worship to start off my workday with joy in my heart. Throughout my day I find myself constantly talking to God asking for advice or thanking Him for small things like the sunshine. I know I am missing out on the fellowship of church, but I do have fellowship with several Christian women through my week so the support is there.
During these next few weeks I will be getting ready to begin my Women's small group going through the book Common Woman. I am very excited about this opportunity and hoping it will be another driving force for me to get involved in church again.

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