Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's a Brand New Day!

As I am sitting here pondering what to do next in my classroom I decided to take a break from all of the papers, essays, lesson plans, etc to just reflect on the beautiful day outside. After what seems like the never ending snowfalls we have had this year the sun is finally shining and the snow is almost completely melted. The temperature is a gorgeous 61 degrees outside! Just 2 weeks ago we were off for a total of 3 consecutive snow days and now it is beginning to look a lot like Spring!

I feel as if the weather outside isn't the only thing that is changing and beginning again.... I feel I am dawning on a brand new day as well. I am at the point in the year where the weather begins to rejuvenate my soul to its very core. I get excited in my teaching, at home, everywhere!! The Dance Team season is quickly coming to a close with the state finals a short 2 weeks away. I am excited to have my personal life back, but I will miss the girls and the fun we do have most of the time. My stress levels are on the way down as we have this season coming to an end. :) It's almost ironic that my devotional has been on filling the hole in my soul - which right now I am trying to fill with everything else and avoiding what that hole really is or what has been causing it.

Tomorrow Chad and I head to Chicago for a fun filled weekend with Taryn, Curtis, and Angela. We are seeing Les Miserables and having a shopping spree as well. Should be a fun time with friends that I feel I haven't seen in a very long time.

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