Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's the end of the (summer) as we know it!

Hello from a very hot and humid August morning! Outside the sun is shining and there is humidity clinging to my windows! Yes it truly is August.... time for back to school. It is a bittersweet event really. I am excited to get back into a routine with my students, but I will miss my relaxing mornings with my coffee and blogging as well as my time to get things done around the house.
Yesteday was a busy day all centered around the homestudy for our adoption journey. We did really well and celebrated last night with a date night. We went to Red Lobster and Babies 'R' Us. We even bought a bassinet and other fun things for Baby Wurmnest. I can't wait for the day when we get a phone call saying our baby is coming home to us soon! What a surreal moment that will be!
But for now I am doing to live in the moment and enjoy my time with Chad while it is still just the two of us. My devotional has taken a turn this month into a new topic --- Moving through the Fog. The past 2 days have been entitled "You can't do a swan dive in shallow water." How true is that!! Sometime our self-disappointments are self-inflicted.... we know how the situation will end up because we have done it before. Yet we return to it knowing what is in store. However when we fall we need to pick ourselves back up and learn from it. If we take time to really analyze what is at the root of the situation we may not repeat it as quickly. What was the lesson learned? How am I better for the experience? How can I turn this disappointment into a springboard to greater accomplishments? I love how the author ends the devotional by saying this: You can't do a swan dive in shallow water. It's only when the water is very deep that your beautiful soul is truly revealed. Rejoice through the pain and allo God to turn your belly flop into something beautiful.

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