Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thoughts on Friends...

I once heard a pastor give a sermon on Jesus' perfect example of friends. Jesus had His closest friend or best friend that He confided in - John the beloved. Then He had His smaller "inner circle" which included Peter. Then of course He had the rest of the 12 disciples. The rest of His accquaintances (all of us) were still called His friends, but they weren't the same as the 12. Jesus' model of friendship was like a ripple effect in a small pool of water. The inner ring is small and tight. Then the ripples get bigger and farther away from the center. Not to say Jesus isn't close to us - He is. That is a definate truth.

All of my life it seems as if I had modeled this same pattern. In Jr. High I had my best friend, Natasha. Then I had my "inner circle" of Deanna, Jamie, and Chelsea. They were the ones I had late night sleepovers with, talked about boys with, and just goofed off with.

Then in High School things changed... Libby became my best friend (still is)! Then there was Lacey and Kim. The four of us always seemed to hang out. We were in the same youth group and hung out with others in that group as well. But the four of us girls always seemed to have a close-knit bond.

Later when I went to college I still had Libby as my best friend, but we were now apart and really busy with studies. Carrie came along into my life and I was blessed to have 2 best friends. Carrie happened to be my "best friend on site" so to speak! Then there was Maryann, Beth, Lacey, and Ann! Roomies and hallmates.... they were my closer circle throughout college. They were all there through many heartaches such as many breakups, frustrated study sessions for finals, and Brian's suicide. I will always love these girls. God placed them in my life at that time for a reason and it is so apparent now why they were there for me.

When I moved back home from college, Libby was again the best friend on site. We began to have weekly dinners together and many, many cups of Starbucks coffee!! :) Libby was the first person I got tipsy on wine with, the first person I went on a double date with, and the person that I always poured my heart out to without worrying about judgement or criticism. Thank goodness for Best Friends!! Then Libby became my matron of honor, after I served as her maid of honor. Getting married in the same summer - one month apart! WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED?!
Now that I have gotten married and moved away I am praying very hard for a small group of girls that I can call up to hang out. A group of girls to confide in. A group of girls that I can call my group of friends! This is something I desperately need and pray that God will eventually bring into my life. Libby is only an hour and a half away and we have made a point to get together frequently. She is still and always will be my best friend. But I need some "on site girls" to chat with on occassion. I know God will bring them along... I just pray He does it soon. He has already begun that process with my friend Megan who lives down here. She has started including my in her girl events for which I am soo thankful! And there is Jamie at work, who even though pregnant has befriended me knowing she won't be teaching next year. I pray that our friendship will continue even though she will be leaving the school next year. And how can I forget Lindsey who I went through grade school with but never really got to know - she lives here in town! God is awesome! This is a start, but I don't feel like I am hanging out with these girls yet. Maybe someday soon...... I hope!

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