Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Very Merry Christmas!

Well... It's December 26th! That means another Christmas has come and gone. Time to start moving towards a new year. I had a terrific Christmas with both my family and Chad's family. We were (as usual) blessed with WAY to many gifts - not that we're complaining! :)

Our first Christmas will always be a memorable one.... rain rain rain -- then Snow snow snow! In fact - it's still snowing as I type this. Chad unfortunately had to work 3rd shift last night, but we managed to get in all of the family Christmas traditions before he had to leave around 8:00pm.
We spent Christmas Eve with my family. We woke up around 7:30 and pretended it was Christmas morning. We opened our stockings which is a tradition I could NEVER give up. It's so much fun. Then we opened presents under the tree. Chad did really good this year: he got me a new pair of leather gloves lined with cashmere, a small crystal I LOVE YOU figurine, a CAT polo, and my favorite... a Tiffany key necklace - from NYC! :) I got him a pair of Illinois fleece gloves, a zip up reversible GAP sweater, new casual/dressy shoes, and a top of the line leaf blower! :) Good Christmas with my fam!

Then we went to my Grandma's on my mom's side that evening. She always goes overboard, but the time spent with my mom's family is priceless to me. We always end up talking about Mom and Grandpa Henry every year which is hard... but we also share some wonderful memories. It's nice to have a time to share with those who loved Mom as much as I did! Almost a tribute and time of remembrance. :)

On Christmas Day we went to the farm to have Christmas with Chad's family. We had a beautiful breakfast and then opened presents. They were also very generous this year. My favorite gifts included the beautiful clasp bracelet from Diane and Mike and the fleece jacket from Jenna! Jenna also got us a monogrammed pillow for our living room! LOVE IT! After the farm we went home so I could make my dip for that night and we caught a 30 minute nap. Then off to Aupperle's for Christmas with my step-family. Chad and I did very well in the gift exchange.... I got a radio/IPOD player for under the kitchen cabinets with an LED light! Chad got a $25 gas card, chocolates, and popcorn. Then we opened stockings and presents. It was hard this year since it was the first year without Grandma Aupperle. We all missed her tremendously! Then we braved through the snow to Pekin to visit Carol and Bob's house for the Wurmnest family Christmas! We had a great time with all of the family. They are so blessed that everyone is still in their family and they haven't lost anyone. Everyone is in good health and in good spirits! They don't take that for granted either.... they are such a close-knit family... one I am so proud to now be part of! At 8:00 Chad had to leave and shortly after I left as well to get home through the snow.

Now Christmas is over and I have to put away all of the decorations till next year. But it was a very memorable Christmas full of love and laughter! Merry Christmas to you all and to all a Good Night!

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