Thursday, January 14, 2010

Beginning a New Book....Feminine Appeal

I just began a new book that Carrie, my amazing roommate and best friend from college, bought me for Christmas. It's actually a God thing" story.... Carrie knew she wanted to buy me a book about being a godly wife since I am a newlywed. She knew that I was facing new challenges often in being new in the profession of a WIFE! :) So she asked her family members if they knew of any good books they had that had made their marriage and relationship with God stronger at the same time. They recommended 3 books. She went to to research them and saw that something was already in her cart. When she clicked on the cart, there was one of the books she was going to look at. Apparently God had a special message for me in that particular book. So Carrie took that as her answer, ordered the book, and had it shipped to me on my birthday!!

I started the book today. It's called Feminine Appeal. So far I have cried about 3 times during the Introduction and First Chapter. It was definitely something that God has been trying to tell me, but I was just took lost to hear it! Thank you so much God for knowing what I needed to hear and thank you for using my friend Carrie as the vessel to get this message to me. The author knows EXACTLY what I am going through with moving away from my friends and family for the man I love. Her message is centered around a verse in the book of Titus Chapter 2. It is about being the female that God has created us to be not only in marriage, but in life! I am sure I will be blogging about it as I go! Stay tuned for more....

1 comment:

  1. YAY! So happy for you that you are being encouraged! I have missed you lately. This month is SO BUSY especially w/ Redd's party coming up! Maybe early Feb. we can get together?!?! Miss you! XOXO
