Sunday, January 31, 2010

Getting to my goal!!!

So I have decided to inform my readers (you!!) about my recent journey into Weight Watchers Online. I thought I might as well try it since I can't lose weight on my own. Amazingly enough it is working for me and I actually like it. It has given me the freedom to choose what I want to eat but keeps me within a limit for the day/week. I have been very diligent about tracking ALL my points daily. I have also been trying a lot of new foods.... most of which I like.

Today I reached a huge goal of mine. I have lost 10% of my starting weight! Hallelujah! I am only 2 pounds away from my goal weight. After I hit that I have 10 more pounds I REALLY want to lose by summer. But since I reached such a huge step in my weight loss journey I am giving myself a small shopping spree. The best part about this shopping endeavor is the fact I will be trying on a size smaller --- because the size I am currently wearing is TOO LOOSE! YEA! A good problem to have. Last week I thought I was going to lose my dress pants in front of my class because they kept slipping down.

Goal for this week: Begin a workout routine and stick to it! Begin with treadmill!

Question for you today: What goals have you met during the first month of the new year? Be proud of your accomplishments!

1 comment:

  1. Reading my bible every single day! Even if it's just a verse or two! Congrats on reaching your goal!!! XOXO
