Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Day!

I woke up this morning to a wonderful phone call.... the phone call I was hoping and wishing for... the phone call that would change my Tuesday.... the phone call that I absolutely needed today.... the phone call from my principal announcing there would be no school today due to the inclement weather conditions. :) A SNOW DAY!

So what does that mean for me?? First of all it meant I got to sleep in today. I only slept until 8:00 but that was a treat from the normal 6:00 alarm! :) When I woke up I didn't have to jump out of bed and get ready like normal. I stayed in bed and finished my book that I have been trying to finish for a week now. Then I got up, let the dog out, and fed her. I fixed my coffee and am enjoying being in my PJ's for the time being. But I definitely have an agenda for today.

I am planning on finishing the last loads of laundry downstairs, while dusting the living room, bedrooms, etc. I also plan on cleaning the upstairs bathroom. YUCK! I also have to work on student data for the RTI comprehension groups. That will take a lot of my time today. I also want to surprise Chad with a banana cream pie for tonight. So I have to make that from my new weight watchers cookbook. And if time permits I want to clean and organize the hall closet - it has become a place to throw things we just don't have a place for.

It's going to be a busy day but these are actually fun days for me. I enjoy cleaning for some odd reason... especially if I have the time to dedicate to doing a good job! Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. I AGREE, Emily! That sounds like my day & squeezing in play time with my boy, of course! ENJOY!!! XOXO
