Sunday, February 6, 2011

Disappointing Someone....

My devotional these past few days has been steps to living intentionally. From faking it, staying behind, breaking hips, whining, and being confused as steps in living intentionally I have now reached the perfect devotional at the present moment --- Disappoint Someone! This could not have been a more perfect day to read this particular devotional.
When serving others you can either serve from your heart or your head. When serving from the heart it often feels great! When serving from your head it feels like an obligation or expectation only. I am a person who sets high expectations for myself.... I am a high achiever. When high achievers like myself expect a lot of myself others often place high expectations on me as well. This can result in disappointing others. This often results in personal attacks (from others as well from myself) and can be detrimental to my well-being.
Yesterday we competed in the Tuscola competition where my girls were nervous since we were coming back into the competition scene with only one day of practice behind our belts since we were out of school with snow days 3 out of 5 days. Monday was out as well because all after school activities were cancelled. That left us with Friday only to practice. Several parents were upset because I didn't call a practice regardless that we were on snow days. They felt that I had dropped the ball. I explained to them that ALL after school activities and events were cancelled along with school on the snow day and I wasn't about to break that rule the school set forth. The parents disagreed with my decision saying that a lot of other schools had broken that rule so why couldn't we. No offense to those parents... but why should I sacrifice my integrity and teach the girls that winning is so important that we should break rules just to get there? I refuse to do that. Call me crazy but I thought parents would want to demonstrate following the rules to their children.... not "how do we get around the rules anyways."
I was very frustrated and disappointed last night to no avail. Along with a lot of other issues going on amongst the parent community this one really broke my heart. I wish everyone wouldn't get so caught up in the competition end of things with the dance team. Yes I would LOVE to take 1st place in all of our events.... but this isn't always going to be possible. My goal for my team is for them to do their best and to continue to beat the last score. If we beat other teams along the way -- GREAT! :) But I want my team to be a team of good character above all.
My verse that I am going to keep very near and dear to my heart in the following weeks is Psalm 37:5-6: "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you. He will make you innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun."

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