Thursday, June 30, 2011

End of June checkup....

I had to go back to look at my list of "to-do's" to see what I have accomplished so far. Next week I would like to get back into my classroom to begin working on RtI and setting up my curriculum so the house projects need to be getting closer to done. My EIU class is also an odd situation - my professor has been rather late on getting assignments to us so he decided to make up for it he would drop 3 chapters of study guides and application activities. This is a good thing because it is less work, but I feel like I may be missing something out of this class. Who knows?!Anyways back to the check list of items to accomplish this summer....

  • Run/exercise/follow WeightWatchers - This goal has been hit and miss. I have done better with following weightwatchers but am still not tracking points faithfully. As a result I have maintained my weight - not lost. Exercise is not happening although I have gone running a few mornings so far this summer. But no daily routine has been established. This is my goal for July!

  • Become crafty.... Getting there. I need to get my stuff organized first before this goal can be truly accomplished. But I am going the right direction.

  • Project Storage Room - saved for a rainy day. Go figure last summer was rainy this one is sunny. Will get to it when the upstairs is done.

  • Project Blogging - ACCOMPLISHING!!! I am so glad that I have kept up on this blog as much as I have already. It has been fun and I even started a new blog topic which is privately kept elsewhere and will be revealed in time! :) (Are you anticipating it's arrival?) No I am not pregnant! LOL

  • Landscaping - Doing REALLY WELL!! My yard is blossoming and blooming everywhere. Chad bought woodchips last night and we are going to weed and lay that down before our 3rd of July party! Yard looks fantastic. I got my little potted plants table done on the front porch and it looks great!
    Grad school classes - Already filled you in on that odd situation with Curriculum. Dropped the Principalship so I can take it in the fall through Decatur. Cheaper and less gas money/travel time!

  • I added a 7th project because it is already accomplished! I decided impulsively to paint the kitchen 2 shades of green. I did the whole project by myself! For someone who has never painted a room I did a great job! :) 3 days - 1 person.
    We also bought our hutch for the kitchen which has been something we have wanted to do for some time. Diane and Jenna came down last weekend to help me paint the master bedroom and it looks phenomenal! We have an accent wall painted a deep purple (don't be scared of dark colors) and the other 3 walls are a light marble grey. I helped with the trimming and have come along way with my painting projects! :)

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