Friday, July 1, 2011

A little bit of bliss....

What are some of the things that are simply blissful? Delightful?

Things so wonderful you would miss them if they were gone?
For me these things are the small things in life. Before summer break started I kept imagining how wonderful it would be to be laying out on the hammock in our backyard reading a good book, soaking up the sun, and possibly taking a nap. Just this thought was amazing but I have been enjoying this scenario on a weekly basis. Currently I am sitting on the couch sipping my caramel latte while blogging and watching Sex and the City reruns. This has been my morning routine this summer - I love waking up slowly and relaxing in the morning.
Another small thing I love is accomplishing a task like yesterday. I finally finished the spare room/office project. I still have a few things to do on the office but overall it is done! It is amazing how much stuff can accumulate over time. After completing this task I enjoyed dinner with Chad. We spent time together just hanging out at home. This is my favorite part of marriage. He went to bed early because he had to go in early (3AM) and I stayed up watching Grey's Anatomy:Season 2. I love watching new TV series episodes on Netflix late at night in the dark just imagining myself in another life. Last summer I spent my evenings in LA watching the Hills. The beginning of this summer was spent in NYC watching The City. Now I have moved to Seattle to pursue my career as a surgical intern. ;) It's amazing how the small things in life are the best! I have learned how to reconnect with my bliss this summer!

"Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real." ~ Deepak Chopra

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