Saturday, June 4, 2011

Finding my voice....

When I was a little girl I was never what you would call the "shy type." I loved to talk to everyone I met, even people in line at the grocery store. When family was over for holidays I would often "entertain" them by singing, dancing, or just being me. I loved to be the star of all occasions. Since I was a young girl I have gone through various stages where I feel I have "lost my voice" (in a manner of speaking). When I moved to Washington, IL I was at the awkward pre-teen stage. I just wanted to fit in. Some of my so-called friends wanted to silence my voice, change me into something different. I began to believe them and wanted to conform to the trends of the day... trying to fit in as much as possible. Throughout my junior high, even into high school I was always a bit behind the current trend. As soon as I would catch on, the trend would change. But I wasn't ever quick enough to change with it. Looking back at pictures of me and my peers - I noted that I was always trying to stand out by blending in. After high school, college seemed like the best thing that could have happened to me. A chance to start over where no one knew my past - only my present. I could be a new me! However I ended following suit and trying to be like others again. Even when I was highly involved in Christian Campus House I found myself in Christ, but outwardly I wanted to be like the other girls. They all seemed so confident and sure of themselves. I wanted to be just like them.

After college I decided enough was enough - I would find the true Emily Anne at any cost! That's when I found my voice. After my first year of teaching and living with my parents I moved out to my own apartment. Being on my own at last gave me a chance to really get to know myself in many new ways. I also got involved with community theater. By playing different characters I got to try out many new people - through each character I found myself! :)

In Once on the Island I found my passion for dance.

West Side Story was where I truly fell in love with the stage and found myself to be more bold with others. I also met Chad during this experience and without my boldness who knows when we would have started dating. ;)

During Sound of Music I found a fun side to myself in the green room by joking around with others and just being me.

During All Shook Up I lost 11 pounds and became more comfortable with my body in general. Mark and Nyk pushed me to dance to the best of my ability and I felt like I had achieved the world through dancing!

Miss Saigon was where I found my complete confidence in myself..... uninhibited about anything. How can you be an Asian prostitute during Vietnam dancing around in a show skirt and NOT be confident?! LOL

Then my last show - Titanic - was where I truly found myself. I had been so lost without my theater life and I had found it once again..... at home on the stage with the spotlight on my face. Even now I find myself trying to become who I am supposed to be - but I remember my voice is right here inside.... waiting to show the world who Emily Anne Wurmnest is! And that is truly amazing!!!

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