Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How to begin...

It's official! Summer break is finally here! I feel a relief of freedom from early morning alarm clocks, cafeteria food, stressful deadlines, constant meetings, etc. Don't get me wrong - I love teaching, but it does wear on a person after a while. Besides I need time to get things done for myself around the house. The hard part is where to start??? I decided to publish a list of "to dos" on my blog so that I can see how much I really accomplished over the summer. I want this summer to be a productive time instead of a time where all I do is sit around or shop. So here goes....

  1. Run or exercise each day while following the Points Plus system of weightwatchers... I would like to get in a routine so I can get back into shape. I have almost gained back all of the weight I lost last summer. Time to get it back into gear.

  2. Become crafty..... I have decided to take up some hobbies in the crafting world. I recently bought a Cricut which is very addicting. I would also like to learn how to make headbands, necklaces, etc out of fabric roses, buttons, etc. If time permits it I would also like to relearn how to use my sewing machine which has been collecting dust over the past 10 years.

  3. Project Storage room.... I would like to go through all of the boxes of stuff my parents continue to bring down from their house. I want organization and space again.

  4. Project Blogging... I need to blog more often - let's be reasonable with saying at least twice if not thrice a week (how fun that I got to use the word thrice).

  5. Landscaping over time.... I have a vision of what I would like our yard to look like. I know this takes time but I need to start by working more actively among the flowers. For example... weeding more often than at the beginning of the spring. :)

  6. Grad school classes - I am taking 2 classes this summer - Curriculum and Principalship. My goal is as always to get an A and to absorb as much as I can from this master's degree.

We will start there with my list and see what happens from here. I will be blogging about projects and accomplishments over what I hope to be a productive summer. Keep posted!

On another note, my summer began last weekend with a girls trip to Moline, IL with my friend Taryn to see Josh Groban in concert! He was amazing! We were in row 44 of the main floor which was a good distance from the stage, but he started the show on a platform with his piano in the middle of the floor (right by us!!!) Here are some fun pics from our journey!

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