Monday, July 18, 2011

Getting it done... Or am I just beginning?

It's already July 18th... my summer is coming to an end! I thought it would be a good time to check in and see how I am doing on my list of summer "to-dos."
  • Run/Excercise/ Weightwatchers - Ok ok... I haven't done well with this goal. I have actually just maintained my weight all summer (not what I hoped for). I have managed to make better decisions when eating and cook often from my Weight Watchers Cookbooks. The weight just seems to be hanging on. I know this means exercise needs to happen. I just need to do it! Easier said than done right?
  • Become crafty... accomplished! I broke out my sewing machine last week and finished 2 of my crafting projects! I made my rosette necklace and an adorable stuffed owl.

  •  Project Storage Room - Not so much. No rain in weeks! :) I have been accomplishing other things and rooms. I managed to tear apart our upstairs purple room clearing it out and organizing in case of the adoption agency calling with a newborn!  I also have organized the upstairs office to the best of my ability. One by one these rooms will be organized.
  • Project Blogging - You should know more than anyone I have accomplished this without falter!
  • Landscaping - The backyard is wonderful! The front yard has some work that needs to be done. I have daylillies to split and replant, bushes to trim down, etc. If the weather would cooperate and cool down for a minute I would get out there. We are reaching extremely high temps with tons of humidity!
  • Grad School Classes - Almost done!The end is in sight.... This has been an extremely frustrating situation due to the lack of promptness on my professor's part but I am almost at the end. I have no idea how I am doing due to no grades being posted....but I am pressing on! :) This week's goal is to work on the powerpoint for our group project.
Looking at all of the accomplishments this summer I feel good about my goals I made at the beginning of summer. But for some this is just the beginning. I feel like this is how it is in my life right now. I feel like a chapter is ending and another is beginning! I am definately nesting and am loving it! Many of you probably know but we are going through the adoption process (that was my big secret a few posts ago). You can follow our adoption blog to know more. 
I am going to post a verse that hit home with me today in my devotional. It is very relavant to our adoption journey and I love the comfort it gives me, knowing that God is taking us through this one step at a time.

 We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. (Proverbs 16.9)

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