Friday, July 15, 2011

People vs. Paper?

During my devotionals the past few days I have been reading about the question "What would you do if you could "re-do" something in your life?" One of the women said she would focus more on people than paper at work. She missed out on so many great personal relationships because she was so focused on her work stuff.
This is something I struggle with but not in the way it seems. I have such a hard time balancing work and relationships. I have always been a people person - never wanting conflict or confrontation. Harmonious vibes between others and myself are what I strive for. Some years I was very work driven and didn't get to know my co-workers like I should have - I just stayed in my own little classroom content with my students and me. When I realized this I decided to branch out and form friendships among my co-workers... really getting to know them. It can be tricky because it can be easy to get caught up in the friendships at school and forget your purpose of being there. I have to work on finding a balance. I work very hard at my job and I feel I do a great job - but I know there is more I can do. I work hard at my relationships as well. I have been taking initiatives more this summer on inviting co-workers to hang out, outside of school. :) Way to balance! School starts again in 4-5 weeks. I will begin working there today. I can't believe summer is ending so soon.

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