Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July Weekend!

Happy 4th of July weekend! It was a busy one but a great one! Our party was a huge success and couldn't have been better. Friday and Saturday was a busy day of getting final preperations ready. I worked on the house all week cleaning and organizing and then baked on Saturday. Chad worked on the outside of the house mowing the yard, laying woodchips, etc. He also organized his office finally! :)

Then the big day arrived.... the 3rd of July party day! Sunday morning was busy. I worked on frosting cupcakes and pies and organizing food items, while Chad touched up the yard. By 2:30 we were ready. Aunt Jackie was the first to arrive - a nice suprise from Ohio! We were able to visit for half an hour before the Waughop side began to trickle in. After another half an hour we had a house full of Waughops - Dad, Lori, Aunt Betty, Katie, the kids, Jackie, Sean, and Aunt Jackie. Then around 4:30 the Wurmnests came bringing Mike, Diane, Jenna, as well as Grandma and Grandpa Knapp. We had a house full of food and family who were finishing off several appitizers.

Chad began grilling around 5:15 and right before everything was ready our friends all began to show up. Megan, Nate, and Reddington pulled up at the same time as Andrew, Lindsey, and the kids. We have been trying to get them to meet for the past 2 years since Issac and Reddington are only 2 weeks apart. Right behind them was Clint (who I am trying to set up with Jenna... so far so good). And finally Taryn and Curtis (along with baby Samantha carried by Taryn).

The group was all here and it was time to eat. We had a lot of good food and fellowship. Chad and I were exhausted by the end of the evening... but happy. However it wasn't over yet....

On the actual 4th of July Chad headed to the farm early in the morning and I came up after. We went to Aunt Terry and Uncle Steve's house for a Waughop cookout. Sally, Doug, and JW were there as well! :) We had a great visit with everyone and returned home around 8ish that evening. I wasn't feeling well yesterday so I had a hard time sleeping. But sleep came and here I am recovering from our busy weekend! :)

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