Friday, August 19, 2011

Another school year has begun....

Yesterday was back to school officially for teachers.... for kiddos today! As tired as I am right now I am still glad that I am back ready for another school year. Of course yesterday after all of the meetings, gathering lists of things I have to do I felt the same overwelming weight that took me all summer to get rid of. But I also felt ready for a new year. We have several new teachers and staff this year that I look forward to working with and getting to know. Schedules, first week details, etc I know are always hectic and seem like they will never work out like we need them to, but we always get by and survive. Grad school also begins again tonight for me (all weekend). It's all hitting me at once. My devotional is called Dancing with Lazarus. It asks if we feel like we need to be raised from the dead and unwrapped. Whether we feel bound spiritually, emotionally, or wrapped up in our own self-oppression - Jesus wants to raise us from the dead and the first thing He wants to do is to unwrap us so we may dance with Him. Right now I feel like this happened to me at the beginning of summer - I was freed. Before I wrap myself back up again with the messy stuff at work I need to remind myself to take time for myself this year. Ecclesiastes 9:7 says, "So go ahead. Eat your food with joy, and drink you wine wih a happy heart, for God approves of this!"  So here I go - ready to work hard at school but ready to enjoy life along the way!

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