Monday, August 15, 2011

A Different Perspective....

Hello friends! I didn't forget about your - just went through a very busy week last week. School is approaching fast (this week) and I wanted to have one more "hurrah" in Peoria with my friends and family.

My devotional has taken a turn into a very cool subject entitled A Different Perspective. The major comparison in this section is art. When we look at art we can hate it one minute and love it the next... we begin to view it differently and it takes on a whole new meaning. Our life can be like a piece of art. Sometimes we need to step back from the canvas and look to see that all things, even bad things, have worked together for good. Can we shine a different light on our tragedies or crises? Are we far enough away from the bad thing to see the beautiful realities that have emerged?

Sometimes we need to move our art around. As we grow up our outward appearance and our inward beauty begin to change. It seems as soon as we mature our inward beauty the outward beauty fades. We need to change our perspective from our face to our heart. The author challenges us to become a generation that changes our culture's obsession with beauty. We could be the ones who teach future generations the art of being beautiful.

Lastly are we all unique or uniquely alike?? If you compare any two women in the world they will always have the same thing in common. God loves them unconditionally - no matter how different they really are. Nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:39. We all have the same heart. We all long to love deeply. We all need to be loved unconditionally. We all have been hurt badly. We all wrestle with how to forgive completely.

I need to keep this in mind as I venture back to the working world. I need to remember that my perspective on things need to be rearranged once in a while, that my inward beauty is what really counts, and that we all are God's chosen one and He loves us all the same.

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