Friday, October 14, 2011

Ooops.. I did it again!

Tuesday was back to school after a beautiful 3 day weekend. I was excited to be back with my students and things were going along swimminly. By 1:30 my right leg (which was sore - I thought due to weather changes) was really beginning to hurt. By 3:00 I had shooting pains which I tried to ignore and I was slightly limping. By 5:30 when I left school I was definately limping and couldn't ignore the shooting pains in my leg. After checking out my knee at home I realized it was very swollen so I called the doctor who told me to get to the ER right away to get an x-ray. I sat in the ER until 8:45 that night and came home with a brace and crutches. Apparently just from walking and living life I have sprained my knee. I know I have a bad knee to begin with ever since my birthmark surgery 9 years ago but still --- No idea how I did it!!
I tried crutches during teaching on Wednesday - really hard to do. So yesterday I went without crutches and only my brace.... another bad idea because I can't just sit and teach. So today I am home this morning resting my leg before going into school. I also have a call into the doctor. How do I manage to do this to myself without even knowing where it happend?? LOL

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