Saturday, January 7, 2012

29 years and counting!!!

This week was my birthday week! This week marked the last "twenty-something" birthday of my life. Next year the big 3-0! Yikes! I went back to school with the kiddos today and it was fun hearing several Happy Birthdays from my students. A beautiful flower arrangement showed up at work compliments of my wonderful husband Chad! It was just a great day all around.... the evening was no exception (for a while). I hadn't been feeling good all day... heavy chest, coughing, no voice,etc. But I wasn't about to let that spoil my birthday. I went to dinner with several friends (Megan, Nate, Lindsey, Andrew, Natalie, and Chad) to Red Lobster - my absolute favorite!! I ordered my usual cesar salad, grilled tilapia, baked potato, brocoli, and for desert got Key Lime pie. Unfortunately not feeling good caught up with me so I ate very little of my dinner - saved the pie for home later. After dinner Chad and I went to prompt care to get me taken care of. I went home with 2 antibiotics, one inhaler, and advice to stay home the next day and rest.
So I stayed home on the 5th sleeping and resting on the couch. I went back to work yesterday and helped chaperone the junior high dance. It was a blast last night. I came home exhausted and ready to crash. I woke up this morning really stuffed up not feeling up to doing much. So here I am staying home instead of going to Peoria to visit Libby and her new addition, as well as Dad and Lori. :( Sad.... I am going to stay home and try to do a few things around the house as well as rest. 29 years should be exciting and hopefully once I kick this respiratory thing it will be!

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't seem possible that we are in our late twenties! Time sure flies! Glad you found joy in your birthday, despite being sick. Hope you are back to 100% soon! <3
